miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

Beware / Cuidado

Note to readers: Someone called "Malabei" has left messages on this blog. Fortunately the machine I was using to open them couldn't do it, so I "Googled" the name and found this: "I am new blogger and received a comment from malabei last week. it said see here and I clicked on it like a jerk.... "

Another note (Feb 25, 2008) about the comments some people have placed on this blog: I do not know how many visitors come here, but on another blog I post on (http://city-imagery.blogspot.com) suddenly the number of visitors there has jumped from about five people a day to 102, and this increase coincides with the arrival of these comments. I have now eliminated them from both blogs, and will do so for all future ones that other people post that include an order to click on a link. I do believe they are related to something disagreeable.

Beware of possible new friends!

Otra nota (25/2/08) sobre los comentarios que algunas personas han colocado sobre este blog:

No tengo cómo saber cuántas personas visitan aquí, pero en otro blog (http://city-imagery.blogspot.com) que manejo, de repente el número de visitantes aumento de un aproximado de cinco personas por día a 102, después de recibir acotaciones que indican que hay que pinchar en un enlace para leer el mensaje. Los he eliminado y seguiré borrando todos los comentarios similares que recibo. Creo que se relacionan con algo desagradable y aconsejo a mis lectores a no abrirlos si lo encuentran antes que lo hago yo.

Cuidado con los posibles amigos nuevos!

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